The clean solution
MEIKO Academy Schulungsangebot
Identifying Needs
Web Training
Identifying Needs

A needs analysis forms the basis for every sales conversation. In order to determine the demand, having knowledge of proven questioning techniques is important. Focusing on the easy-to-learn and highly-effective PPF Method, asking the right questions is exactly where this online training comes in. After asking questions about the present, the sales person asks the customer questions about the past, and then uses future questions to further specify the need.

  • Learning how important identifying needs is for the sales process
  • Determining customer needs in a targeted manner
  • Categorizing questions and learning how to use them to determine requirements
  • Identifying requirements that are individually tailored to a specifi c practice
  • Understanding customer needs through active listening
Preis pro Schulungsteilnehmer
79,00 EUR
Teilnahme jederzeit möglich
Veranstaltungsort: online

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