Initiatives: manufacturing and working sustainably
Our ‘climate-neutral manufacturing’ initiative means the relevant infrastructure is coming on in leaps and bounds at our Offenburg site. More and more of our electricity now comes from renewable sources and we are looking to fit our office and factory roofs with photovoltaic systems wherever possible, just as one example. We have been recycling as a matter of course at our manufacturing and office sites for a long time, now. Our new office buildings in Offenburg are heated using heat pumps. We are even upping our use of digital conferencing even further within the MEIKO Group and we have clear rules: we car share, travel sustainably by rail and are careful about planning flights. We make clean solutions and we use them for ourselves, too – for a cleaner world, a cleaner planet.
Eating sustainably
The MEIKO canteen provides vegetarian and vegan options. In fact, 23 % of the food consumed at our headquarters is vegetarian – even with men on staff! Countless studies now show that we as a society need to significantly reduce our meat consumption – and we are at the centre of this progress. We never ban people from eating meat; we simply offer tasty alternatives. This helps to drive long-term behaviour change and transform habits.
Our solutions by MEIKO GREEN provide an innovative way to dispose of food waste and recycle it. These systems are a hygienic solution and convert your waste into a valuable raw material: biogas.
Initiative: learning sustainably
Sustainability is about more than just CO2 emissions and energy efficiency: it is about understanding the links and how to act ethically with the climate in mind. It is about taking responsibility for our whole planet: knowledge and education are the raw materials needed to generate sustainability.
The MEIKO Academy has a wide range of further training options, keeping our team's expertise up to date. Significant ideas flow from here, too, within the company and to the outside world because the MEIKO Academy's doors are always open for our customers and partners, as well,
not to mention our selected training partners. For many years now, we have been supporting students at Offenburg University, for example.
Professional service for long machine life
The professional service team at MEIKO does far more than just source spare parts and troubleshoot: we consult with customers on how to make their MEIKO technology more efficient so that they can use the smallest possible amounts of chemicals. That means adjusting the settings to suit the specific local conditions. We share our success stories regularly here. This is a targeted way for us to pass on our experience and to help our customers benefit from other customers' experiences.