The clean solution
MEIKO Academy Schulungsangebot
An Introduction to the Business Model Canvas
Web Training
An Introduction to the Business Model Canvas

In this Introduction to the Business Model Canvas, you will learn about the nine key components of the business model, and how they fit together. You will then look at how you can design your business model using the canvas and find some useful questions for each of the Business Model Canvas building blocks. Finally, you will learn how to manage and innovate your business model to help your organisation create, deliver and capture value for your customers as effectively as possible.

Understand the Business Model Canvas
Understand how to use the canvas to design business models
Understand how to use the canvas to manager your business model

  • The building blocks of the Business Model Canvas
  • Tips and techniques for using the canvas
  • Questions to help define your business model
  • Questions to help challenge and innovate your business model
Preis pro Schulungsteilnehmer
79,00 EUR
Teilnahme jederzeit möglich
Veranstaltungsort: online

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